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Categories & Keywords

Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Americana, Coca Cola, Coca Cola Store, Coke, Cola, Everything Coca Cola, It's the real thing, Las Vegas, Las Vegas Strip, NV, Nevada, North America, Size, Susan Candelario, US, USA, United States, World of Coca Cola, ad, advert, advertisement, big, big bottle, bottle, classic, colossal, giant bottle, gigantic, great, huge, icon, iconic, immense, large, logo, mammoth, massive, neon sign, sign, signs, sin city, sky high coke
Photo Info

Dimensions3840 x 5760
Original file size15.8 MB
Image typeJPEG
World Of Coca Cola

World Of Coca Cola

World Of Coca Cola - Giant Coca Cola bottle at the Everything Coca Cola Store at the Las Vegas Strip in Nevada.