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Categories & Keywords

Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Altar, Catholic, Christ, Christian, Christianity, Church, God, House of Worship, Italian, Jesus, Lord, NATIONALITY, Religion, Saint Mary Church, Saints, St%dMary, Susan Candelario, arch, arched, arches, architectural, architectural detail, architectural details, architecture, art, art styles, building, buildings, cathedral, cathedrals, chapel, chaste, christianity, church, clergy, columns, cross, design, eclectic, faith, god, gothic, gothic revival, holy, house of god, house of worship, melody, moral, object, objects, parish, pattern, patterns, place of worship, prayer, religion, religious building, religious objects, righteous, roman, romanesque, romanesque revival, sacred, saint, saint Mary's, saints, structures, symmetrical, symmetry, thing, things, virtue, virtuous, worship
Photo Info

Dimensions3886 x 2590
Original file size13 MB
Image typeJPEG
Saint Mary's Altar

Saint Mary's Altar

A view from the back of Saint Mary's Catholic Church.