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Categories & Keywords

Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Creative, Susan Candelario, Water Drops, action, aqua, architectural, architectural details, architecture, art, artistry, blue, building, collision, collisions, colorful, colors, drip, drips, droplet, droplets, drops, fine art, float, floater, floating, flower, fluid, fluids, fresh, freshness, green, high speed, hydrate, hydration, impact, lavender, motion, pastel, pastels, perennial, pink, pool, recreation building, recreation buildings, ripple, ripples, sculpture, spa, splash, splashes, statuary, statue, structures, vertical, water, water art, water drop, water sculpture, water splash, water splashes, wet
Photo Info

Dimensions3011 x 4516
Original file size5.51 MB
Image typeJPEG
Water Works

Water Works

High speed water drops colliding in a pool of water. The drops create some interesting shapes and designs not usually seen by the human eye.